Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why Women Hate Smokers

Just thought of doing this post as an info-service (is that what this is called??). Firstly just to make things clear, my husband is not a smoker, most of my friends not a smoker, the closest to me who smokes is my father. So smokers do not bothers me much on daily basis, but when they do i wish i can slap them hard. Reason for this post is so that smokers realized how annoying they are to me or any other non-smokers woman (woman smokers would be double annoying)

Always, it is the same reason woman complains when their partner/friends/relative smokes. Forget the obvious reason of how smoking bad for you..dah basi dan selalu dengar. What i want to tell are how & why smokers annoy us woman the most. We, like you (smokers), do not really care about the health risks because berapa orang sangatla betul-betul mati pasal rokok, tak hisap rokok pun mati awal jugak kan. That is why any no smoking campaigns focusing on health are ineffective enough. Here i list out why women hate smokers, as been told & heard by me so many times:

  • When you smoke, everything smells of cigarettes. Your clothes, your car, you stuff and worse of all is your breath! Imagine if you got to kiss a man with that cigarette's breath. Early morning breath right after you wake up & before you eat anything is the worse! I know because my course mate (during my varsity years) who sat beside me on morning class always had that breath..eewwww!! Woman whose husband are smokers, how is it like to kiss those cigarette's breath, really?
  • Smokers always will excuse themselves for a cigarette break. Imagine when we are shopping, eating or attending a function, a smoker will disappear in the middle of it for some puff. It will take longer kalau ada geng. It won't annoy woman that much before marriage. But after married, you will hate it whenever he does it. Just imagine, you are having lunch at indoor restaurant. Your kid are having tantrums so you will not eat yet to layan your kids hoping that when husband finishes his lunch he will take over. But what happen is, right after meal he will rush out for a puff leaving you alone with kids, still not eating. Sakit hati kan? Or when you are in a mall with your kids, you know la how kids are in shopping mall. In the middle of it he disappears, out for some puff leaving you like mad woman chasing your kids. Sakit hati tak? My mother always tells me she does not like eating out alone with my dad just because she always would be left alone on the table. Not to talk bad about my dad but smokers are like that and it got worse after married.
  • As a parent or mother, ofcourse we won't let our kids smoke and couldn't imagine how heart wrenching it is when one day our precious kid decide to huff the puff and destroy his lungs. So if it is so scary who to blame when your husband is a smoker. What reasoning would you give to your kids to stop them from smoking? You kids are not stupid, your husband are because he failed to give a good example. 
  • Waste of money. Like gold, cigarettes are expensive and won't get cheaper in time. You jimat macam mana pun kalau bazir on box of cigarettes everyday, you memang bodoh. When i see those TV shows that focus on low income family who are suffering to make a living  ('Bersamamu' like)  i do feels sad  & pity but as soon as i saw any of their family smokes i terus jadi menyampah. Come on la, everyday punya makan pun tak cukup, why want to waste money on cigarettes? That money can put to better use. If you complain of not having enough to feed your family while you puffing cigarettes everyday, i would say you are selfish & stupid!
That are all i can think of now. Memang ada banyak lagi but i think those are the most annoying and obvious. When you live with smokers, your life will revolves on their habits. You may not realized it but when you really come to think of it, your life would be much better if they stop smoking. Sorry if i offended any smokers or wife of smokers that disagree with me. I stand strong on my reasons and i hate smokers. I think all smokers should live on a different planet and kill each other with their smokes. Please la, for the sake of others & also yourself, please consider to quit smoking. And woman who smokes, shame on you! I hate you even more! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Raya Haji @ Alor Star 2011

Super duper delayed post about the recent holy Raya Haji. Been busy with works since the stock market gone haywire (FYI, i work in stock market) with all the bad news from US & Europe and also with all the penny stocks been excessively traded, you either laugh to the bank or cry a river.

Okay enough about work. Now some happy memorable stuff. We went back to Alor Star for Raya Haji. I think it has been about 3 years we celebrated Raya Haji in KL just because there isn't much things going on during Raya Haji except for the korban. But this year my dear lil sister is having her engagement on the second day of raya, so ofcourse la whole family have to be there.

On the day of Raya Haji, we went to give prayers to my brother's grave. Miss him so much especially during family gatherings. None gone to the raya prayers even those yang semangat yang nak pegi mulanya. After that, all family of my father's side gathered at my grandmother's house. Almost everyone were there. Happy time was chit-chating with cousins and keep up stories & gossips of what's going on in their life. And also the food. All my family simply love eating so whenever we are together, we are never without food. I did not manage to snap all the glorious food we ate because leceh la nak angkut camera everywhere when you simply wanna eat pasal dah lapar (buruk lantak kan?)

On second day of raya is my sister's engagement day. MasyaAllah she was so beautiful on that day, there were nothing but praise for her. Anyway, my sister is a natural beauty, tak make up pun dah cantik (not to brag but she really is) so just imagine tiba-tiba groom & make up sebegitu, ofcourse it will enhance her beauty. Don't believe me, just look at the pictures below. Alhamdulillah everything went well. The kenduri was modest but everyone that matters were there and happy for her. Hopefully everything will goes on well till the day they finally get married. Amin!

Ok now is pictures time. Tak berseri blog post kalau takde gambar kan? Se here we goes...

Raya Haji
Adam & Lisa, my cute niece. Funny thing was, i forgot to bring Adam's baju melayu. Was panic because i did not bring any decent clothes for him as well. So dengan kalutnya drove to nearby Tesco (coz it is the only one still open at 11pm) and bought that plaid shirt. 

My BFF who now becomes my relative cause she married my cousin. Best kan?  She is pregnant  now, tak sabar nak tengok her baby!
Ehem...sempat lagi posing manja dengan husband..hahaha!
With all the ladies (cousins) yang join forum chit-chat di hari raya.
Makan time!
Roti jala. Every year mesti tak miss hidang roti jala, ketupat palas & laksa at my grandmother's
Ketupat palas jagung. My favourite raya food!
Ahh..salivating! Yummeehhh!
Handling the korban beef. Sempat posing tu!
Barbecued beef cicah dengan ayaq asam..nikmat!

Sister's Engagement

Ayu gitu...dok tunggu nak sarung cincin.
So sweet!

I look so selekeh beside her
Makcik-makcik dengan all the hantaran. 
It was all family matters. When you are with family, everything are memorable. This weekend, another engagement ceremony, it's my cousin. May everything goes well. Amin.                                            

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sesame Street

Remember Sesame Street? Last time (when i was a kid) it was so famous, everyday pun boleh tengok kat TV. Love to watch it, and try to learn all the stuff they teach. It was where i first knew that in America, they pronounce Z as 'Zi'. Now no more Sesame Street show on TV (atleast on Malaysian TV). What left is only The Elmo Show, which is fun as well. Was Adam's favourite, one day layan sampai 10x pun takpe. girl Dania love to layan all Sesame Street's songs. It started when i want to entertain her using my Ipad by loading youtube videos. Since then, everyday mesti wajib bagi tengok Sesame Street's song. Counting 1,2,3..singing A,B, song..disco song. Elmo this Elmo that. My husband has uploaded some of the songs from youtube and plug in the file onto our TV. Pantang pegang remote je mesti Dania's face will lighten up and humming sambil goyang badan (signaling that she wants to watch her Sesame Street song). Nasib tak pandai nak nyanyi lagi, if not mesti asyik melalak je menyanyi dalam rumah tu.

Here is one of her favourite song, 'What I Am' by Will.i.a.m. Nice song though, you pun mesti enjoy!

Before i end this post, wanna share you one funny conversation i had with my boy Adam that related to Elmo.

Me:  Nanti Adam kena pegi sekolah dah tau, dah besar.
Adam: Taknak..
Me: Kena pegi, kat sekolah nanti boleh blajar 1,2,3, blajar A,B,C
Adam: Mak ingat Adam ni Elmo ke!
Me: Errkkk....(sambil tahan gelak)

*Whoever yang blur, Elmo always sing numbers & alphabets so my 'clever' Adam thought only Elmo does that! *